Saturday, November 27, 2010

Site Specific Blog Irvine Spectrum

The overall theme of the Irvine Spectrum is of an upscale open air market. Its architecture has been compared to Morocco, The Moors of Spain and Alhambra, Spain. The picture below is The Mausoleum of Mohammad V in Rabat, Morocco.
The picture on the right is the entry into the corridor opposite the Carousel at The Irvine Spectrum. The structural similarities between the pictures are apparent. The Irvine Spectrum's use of lighting plays a large roll in highlighting its structural nuances. Since this shopping venue is in Orange County, CA, so close to Disneyland, I feel that the lighting does contribute to a theme park feel. However, the lighting is really quite beautiful. The examples that standout in this picture are the cool, calming blue neon lights, accenting the upper angles above the arch, the sconces warmly illuminating the walls, and the small hanging lights across the walkway that give a festiveness of an outdoor carnival. The large hanging light at the beginning of the corridor seems to give a more formal entryway feeling to the path of shops. I feel that the builders and lighting designers succeeded in their designing process of creating an OC/Moroccan market place.

The next picture is of a shop that has an open ceiling industrial look. It does not work. The lighting and the unfinishedness of the ceiling give a real warehouse feel in a rough, unkept way. The randomly placed spotlights with the florescent tube lighting fixtures did not seem to fit into the Irvine Spectrum's more polished thematic look. The spotlights did not always seem to have a real purpose in their focus. This shop did not feel inviting and made me feel like I would have to go to work if I entered into the factory-like setting.

The last two pictures are of a shop named Hollister. I was intrigued by the hidden/reveal lighting throughout the store. It was surprising how well the directional spot lights were used. An example is how the rug is perfectly outlined with light. Each area of clothing is lit very well but once you step away from a display you enter into a most contrasting darkness. This shop has a surf theme, which I could not get from the lighting or architecture. However in the last picture the use of reflecting light on a corrugated metal above surfboards, is how I could surmise the surf theme.

1 comment:

  1. Nice detail and attention to the designers objectives and how they accomplished them. The store you did not like is a particular problem in any place like this where there is such a strong theme overall but the stores inside do not support that theme.
