Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week 8: Moony Rain Clouds

Tonight I found myself intrigued by moonlight. There is something so stunning about the glow the moon has. It is interesting to me that the moon's light has such a blue tint to it, and how that color is different then the sun. It was really apparent in the way that the moon lit up the scattered rain clouds. This is the image that is particularly striking to me. There is something beautiful about how the cloud can catch the light contrasted by the blackness of the night sky. This got me thinking about how you can capture light with. I know in Disney Land they have experimented with projecting on to mist of water. What other things can one project light on that would provide a beautiful contras? I know that there are fog machines that do this. But is their a way to contain the fog. What would it look like to catch fog in a glass box and shine light on it that way. It might not work or be interesting. That said I do think that the etherial and mysticism of lit clouds is engaging.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Most of the time this is done by projections on a cyc with a scrim as the air handling in a theatre is not usually done very well, so it is hard to control the fog

    However there are a few more expensive devices out there that do localize fog/haze in a much better way
