Saturday, October 9, 2010

Week 2

I took this photo at sunrise on the top of Mt Masada in Israel's Negev Desert. The body of water in the picture is the Dead Sea. What I like about the lighting in this picture is it is a great example of how hot light can focus the eye. But what makes the lighting gorgeous is the blending in to the cool colors. The contrast of the steely blue and purple is calming. The dynamics and perspective created in this lighting have a somber and contemplative effect. The silhouettes in this photo should be noted as well. They add a texture of thoughtfulness and a sharpness to the edge of the surrounding light. As well as the physical objects in this photo display the arid climate. When lighting dance the use of silhouette seems to be an important tool because of all the apparent texture it can add.


  1. Very nice sense of detail. I like the talk of warms, cools and texture :). In future weeks can you give your blog post a title as well as the week. Thanks!
