Monday, October 25, 2010

Week 4 Tower of TERROR!

Here is a photo taken in line to board California Adventure's Tower of Terror. A LOT of theater lighting contraptions can easily be caught if you look up. What I found interesting. was if you looked at the lights and the palette of different gels, you wouldn't think that they would portray an eerie mood. I actually thought they were "pretty" colors. The lights highlighted and made various scenic elements glow in the darkness. You definitely sense tension and fear when you are waiting to board. But it was the flickering lights in combination with crashes of ambient sound being played really completed the spooky effect. I an unsure of how the lighting made me feel. On the one hand, there is the feelings I remember. I thought the the glowing effect scenic elements made the space have a sense of "pretty wonder". The lighting supported the depth in the various elements and in the space. I feel like the photo is a lot scarier than being in the actual space. There was definitely a night time feel, but the vibrant coloring made things less uncomfortable. On the other hand, I took a flash picture as well, and it really killed any of the potential tension that you felt while being in the space. So I am left confused, because I do acknowledge the presence of an eerie feeling, but I thought a lot of things in the space were pretty.

1 comment:

  1. Nice detailed, while confused comments :) It is probably because the intention was not clear enough - alot of times at Disneyland when it is supposed to be spooky they are also trying to Disney-fy it, so it can confuse
